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22-the golden branch

22-the golden branch

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《22-the golden branch》|总人气: 303| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE GOLDEN BRANCHONCE upon a time there was a King who was so morose anddisagreeable that he was feared by all his subjects, and withgood reason, as for the most trifling offences he would have theirheads cut off. This King Grumpy, as he was called, had oneson, who was as different from his father as he could possibly be.No prince equalled him in cleverness and kindness of heart, butunfortunately he was most terribly ugly. He had crooked legs andsquinting eyes, a large mouth all on one side, and a hunchback.Never was there a beautiful soul in such a frightful little body, butin spite of his appearance everybody loved him. The Queen, hismother, called him Curlicue, because it was a name she ratherliked, and it seemed to suit him.King Grumpy, who cared a great deal more for his own grandeur...

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